September 16, 2010

September 2010 To Do's

  1. Pay Kuya Raul (Rent - September)
  2. Pay Ate Elsa for Dinner on Sept 20 (Done)
  3. Pay Glady's for Healthy Options (P748) (Done)
  4. Buy John Mayer tickets
  5. Buy Alive coffee (2 boxes, around P640) (Done)
  6. Facial*
  7. Repair PC
  8. Start running again.(Done)
  9. Buy arm band.
  10. Sign-up for Run for Pasig
  11. Buy John Mayer CD
  12. Stickers
  13. Eye Clinic*
  14. DENTIST*
  15. Baskets for room at Lola's house (P750).
  16. Lamp shade for Lola's house (P600)
  17. Pay Citibank (Done)
  18. Enroll Save-Up Account to BPI Express Online
  19. Follow-Up Status of SUN Life Insurance Policy